Economic forecast


 June 30, 2021


In today’s world, money, as we know it, can easily vanish.
Technology too.
just like that, suddenly, on a sunny day, without any previous notice.


Is this a good thing, or bad?
It doesn’t really matter
The real forecast in all of this is the element of surprise. The prediction, in fact, is the surprise. You are going to be surprised as you have never been before.
A surprise that will be caused by “tilting the steering wheel” in a direction you don’t know and cannot even imagine.
sometimes it can be scary, sometimes it can be accompanied by suffering. After all, humans, by nature, don’t like “uncertainty”  situations, which I prefer to call a “surprise. Pop quizzes”, because from my point of view, the uncertainty is not a temporary state, it is an entity that exists in everything, and at any given moment.

Why a pop quiz?
Because in life, there are tests. And this one is not really a surprise. For this pop quiz, we have been told for some time now that we need to prepare and study the material.

So, what can we do?
There is a solution that bring humans to a state where they are ready for any surprise that may come their way. It’s a bit like well knowing the material, and then, there is the ability to pass any pop quiz successfully.

This solution is safe? Or there is a risk in it?
Well, in everything there is a certain risk, you can call it a gamble. But in this solution, the risk is constrictive, exhilarating, invigorating. A gamble with a flow – a safe flow, and it’s not a marketing strategy.
This forecast is indeed about economics, but the gamble here is not necessarily on or with money.

Why do we need to be ready for any surprise that may appear?
Because surprises are not always experienced like birthday parties with balloons, friends and family. And the surprise factor is usually experienced as a less festive surprise factor.

The solution is: to tilt the investment direction towards investing in Uncertainty. Today there is no such investment in the world.
countries, economic sectors, individuals, large companies, art, education, and medicine will need to invest heavily in uncertainty to stay alive, to exist at all, and to be relevant in particular.

What does this mean?
Humans need to relearn how to invest in investments that they don’t necessarily understand, that don’t necessarily promise them success, but, that they feel are the right direction.
A natural skill that has been forgotten and they feared to death from.
Investments that are by their nature a dialogue between the material and the spiritual. Open and balanced, not those that hide behind the spirit or those that boast the strength of the material.
To invest their heart, their money, to face their fears, to let go of their illusions, to let go of the false grip in order to grow. And the intention is not to invest in a semblance of uncertainty, nor to invest in virtual uncertainty that is not really uncertainty, but a disguise of planned certainty within uncertainty.
Today’s investments are investments where people seek insurance, look for a strategy, want to know what the return is and when, want to control the outcome, want innovation that has no bit of innovation but chews on the existing, operate their ego and only lose endlessly, wear a “businessman” suit that is a few sizes too big, stumble over the hem of the garment and trip.
Investing in uncertainty requires the courage to openly bring soul, acceptance, and from there giving.

The black, gray, and even white forecasts and prophecies of experts from all over the world and in all sorts of fields are disproved morning and evening at the same speed that they are created and presented with confidence on every possible platform to the general public who want to hold on.
One thing remains stable, consistent, and constant – the direction. And the direction is a downward spiral to nowhere. To a no way.
Expertise has become a private practice that serves this or that individual, their fears, their desires, and their secrets, and does not represent a general and universal way that brings balance and responsibility.
A private practice, fearful and not courageous, that does not take responsibility and hides behind titles that have expired at this time.


The essence of precise science is: that when there seems to be no way – a new way reveals itself in an unforeseen manner.



להמשך קריאה

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